Centre for Buddhist Studies, Kathmandu University

Centre for Buddhist Studies, Kathmandu University
Established 2002
Religious affiliation Buddhist
Location Kathmandu, Nepal
Website http://www.cbs.edu.np/

The Centre for Buddhist Studies, Kathmandu University in partnership with Rangjung Yeshe Institute offers undergraduate and graduate programs leading to Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in Buddhist Studies and Himalayan languages.[1][2] It provides research facilities for visiting international scholars of Buddhism for their graduate or post-graduate projects.[3] In the summer, it hosts study-abroad programs and conducts intensive language immersion programs in Tibetan, Nepali, and Sanskrit.[4][5][6][7]

External links


  1. ^ http://cbs.edu.np/about-us/
  2. ^ http://www.dharmasun.org/index.php?dharmasun=teacherdetail&id=2
  3. ^ http://cbs.edu.np/research/
  4. ^ http://cbs.edu.np/summer-courses/
  5. ^ "Program Information, Yale Center for International Experience". http://cie.yale.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=2058&Type=O&sType=O. 
  6. ^ "UC Berkeley, Buddhist Studies, Study Abroad Opportunites". http://buddhiststudies.berkeley.edu/undergraduate. 
  7. ^ "Boston College, International Programs". http://www.bc.edu/offices/international/programs/progsemesteryear/asia/nepal.html.